Saturday, April 11, 2020

Evil doesnt create. It re-purposes, or as in this case, re-uses.

While reading a book entitled "What Really Makes You Ill?" I came across this passage in reference to medical establishment dogma on viruses.

People can also be discovered to have a 'virus' in their bodies without exhibiting the specific symptoms of the disease it is alleged to cause; this is claimed to represent the 'dormant' stage of the virus, as discussed on the EoL web page that states, 
  "Although viruses may cause disruption of normal homeostasis resulting in disease, in some cases viruses may simply reside inside an organism without significant harm."
Although the virus may be 'dormant' and therefore harmless, it is claimed that there is a potential for the virus to be 'activated' and to initiate the relevant disease. In their efforts to justify the existence or an allegedly 'dormant' virus in the body, the medical establishment has created the term 'latent infection'.
9/11 initiated the "War on Terror". Coronavirus seems to be initiating the next  "new normal" which I am calling the "War on Biologicals". With that in mind, the above description seems eerily similar to the discussion of terrorist cells. The new normal will in many ways replace the concept of terrorists with the concept of viruses, and apparently, they behave in similar fashions.

Communities can be discovered to have terrorist cells in their neighborhoods without seeing attacks of terrorism. It is claimed by Homeland Security that this is the inactive stage of the terrorist cell, as discussed on Project for a Super Safe America's web page that states, 
  "Although terrorists may initiate terrorist attacks on civilians and infrastructure at any time, in some cases the terrorists may simply live within your communities without significant disruption." 
Although the terrorist cell may be 'inactive' and therefor harmless, it is claimed there is potential for the terrorist cell to be 'activated' and to initiate a terrorist strike. In their efforts to justify the existence of an allegedly 'dormant' terrorist cell in a community, Homeland Security has created the term "sleeper cell".

They even use the term "cell" heavily in both psychological operations. The US put terrorists in cells. Viruses infect cells. Both times, fear into the cell. Fear cages you in your own cell.

*EoL: Encyclopedia of Life

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