Saturday, April 11, 2020

Evil doesnt create. It re-purposes, or as in this case, re-uses.

While reading a book entitled "What Really Makes You Ill?" I came across this passage in reference to medical establishment dogma on viruses.

People can also be discovered to have a 'virus' in their bodies without exhibiting the specific symptoms of the disease it is alleged to cause; this is claimed to represent the 'dormant' stage of the virus, as discussed on the EoL web page that states, 
  "Although viruses may cause disruption of normal homeostasis resulting in disease, in some cases viruses may simply reside inside an organism without significant harm."
Although the virus may be 'dormant' and therefore harmless, it is claimed that there is a potential for the virus to be 'activated' and to initiate the relevant disease. In their efforts to justify the existence or an allegedly 'dormant' virus in the body, the medical establishment has created the term 'latent infection'.
9/11 initiated the "War on Terror". Coronavirus seems to be initiating the next  "new normal" which I am calling the "War on Biologicals". With that in mind, the above description seems eerily similar to the discussion of terrorist cells. The new normal will in many ways replace the concept of terrorists with the concept of viruses, and apparently, they behave in similar fashions.

Communities can be discovered to have terrorist cells in their neighborhoods without seeing attacks of terrorism. It is claimed by Homeland Security that this is the inactive stage of the terrorist cell, as discussed on Project for a Super Safe America's web page that states, 
  "Although terrorists may initiate terrorist attacks on civilians and infrastructure at any time, in some cases the terrorists may simply live within your communities without significant disruption." 
Although the terrorist cell may be 'inactive' and therefor harmless, it is claimed there is potential for the terrorist cell to be 'activated' and to initiate a terrorist strike. In their efforts to justify the existence of an allegedly 'dormant' terrorist cell in a community, Homeland Security has created the term "sleeper cell".

They even use the term "cell" heavily in both psychological operations. The US put terrorists in cells. Viruses infect cells. Both times, fear into the cell. Fear cages you in your own cell.

*EoL: Encyclopedia of Life

Sunday, April 5, 2020

It's your time to be a star, kid!

“This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment, only it’s not going to be localized," Surgeon General Jerome Adams said on “Fox News Sunday.”
“The next week is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, it’s going to be our 9/11 moment, it’s going to be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire lives. And we really need to understand that if we want to flatten that curve and get through to the other side, everyone needs to do their part,” he said during an interview on “Meet the Press.” 

So the first one led to the US entering World War II and the second kicked off the US War on Terror, which incidentally included wars on actual countries too like Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen, and Syria just to name the most prominent casualties.

It would seem Corona kicks off our War on Biologicals, the new invisible enemy replacing terrorists around every corner. Now even a careless neighbor could be a biological weapon. Invisible yet everywhere. Reminds me of the notion that if Climate Change can be the cause of everything basically, then it really explains nothing. But I digress.

Will this new War on Biologicals include a few more actual wars with countries? The war with Iran seems unfinished business and the US is again ramping up versus Venezuela. Truthers are all in a tizzy over seeing military hardware being moved across the country during this lockdown. The reality is our military is constantly moving military hardware around, but if you did want to move larger amounts with less notice the lockdown would be a good time.

The Truthers in a tizzy suggest this hardware will be for locking down the US itself. From my perspective, the power structure just showed us how well controlled they have the majority of the population. Why would they bother deploying military assets to achieve what they have already shown quite capable of doing?

We are well into problem reaction as far as coronavirus and the solutions are already underway, the lockdown and ensuing controlled demolition of the economy just being the start. If they wanted to point the tension loaded gun of wrath of the American population into a bigger war, another event would be needed to paint the bulls-eye squarely on their target.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Resonance with Nuggets of Truth used to Sell Lies

Its often noted that one can more effectively sell a lie if it has elements of truth to parts of the story. People naturally resonate with that element of truth and that adds more credibility to the whole tale.

"Who could imagine terrorist would fly planes into buildings?" US leaders told a stunned and traumatized public.

A typical person hears that and it resonates because they themselves never thought about that. The individual imagines neither would anyone they know. It resonates off the truth of their own personal experience and gives credibility to that statement. Never mind that the US government itself was running drills about terrorist crashing planes into buildings the very day of 9/11, 2001. You can even listen to the audio recordings of the military air traffic control during the drill and their confusion about whether an actual attack was happening at that moment.

I was listening recently to a truther Brian Staveley describe how compartmentalization is used to sell the latest 9/11 style operation commonly known as Coronavirus when a connection to an event in history where the power structures use of compartmentalization was the nuggets of truth used to sell a separate lie.

The Manhattan Project we are told was the super secret project the US conducted during World War II to build the atomic bomb. It is described as a massive project that spanned over multiples cities. It claims it was able to remain a secret project primarily through the strategy of compartmentalization, where each group has their specific task but gets no information about the overall project or how their specific task fits in. The Atomic Heritage Foundation summed it up like this:

As the only person knowledgeable about the entire project, Groves stood at the pinnacle of power. He controlled the project's pace, priorities, and direction through his decisions. No one could travel from one site to another without the general's permission. Knowledge was compartmentalized. Workers were told only what they needed to know and were forbidden to discuss their jobs with anyone other than designated supervisors.

I do not believe atomic bombs or nuclear bombs exist as they are described. So from my perspective, the story of the Manhattan Project is fundamentally a lie. Maybe a project occurred and people were put into small groups and worked on different things but I dont believe it ended in an atomic weapon being produced. Maybe nothing ever happened, which probably best explains how it managed to stay so "secret".

So back to the original point of how to sell lies with nuggets of truth. In the case of the Manhattan Project, the lie was the story about a super secret program that developed a new super weapon, the atomic bomb, that could destroy the world. The nugget of truth used to sell that lie was the revelation of their actual real strategy of compartmentalization that they have used over and over to sell us lies from the moon landing to coronavirus.

That's some dark ass brilliance. Its all the more twisted if you believe as seems plausible, that evil has to basically reveal to people what its doing and its methods from time to time, even if normally in occult or obscure ways. They showed you a page from their playbook, and the simple brilliance of the strategy sold you a series of huge lies, which as usual, were used to sell more fear.