Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Right Wing Hero Free Media Promotion Round 2

 On November 15, 1016 I posted about Right Wing Heros (RWH):

The rightwing distrusts the mainstream media. They think its all a liberal agenda selling disinformation and poor values. The more the media attacked Trump the stronger the conviction of his supporters that he was indeed the RWH. For left leaning folks like me it just seemed like a hopeless parade of fail by Trump but to the rightwing it didn't really matter much what he was saying or what he was doing. The fact that the media shit on Trump all year was about as glowing a seal of authenticity as you are going to get for the rightwing.

The current Trump trials are round 2. Its the exact same rallying of his base leading up to an election as happened all throughout 2016. We even have bumbling analysts baffled over how Trumps popularity could continue to grow during the trials. "Historians will make better sense of it than we can," they sigh in resignation.

Most of these priests can only afford to be true believers. Must be a special kinda mind-screw for the handful who wonder why everything they do only seems to help "the enemy".